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Petland Iowa City, Iowa
January 1, 2019
From the small dog breeds to the larger ones, we love them all. Once they’re in your home, we know that life happens and your pup may be home alone, resulting in some sadness while you’re gone. Here are three ways to help ease the anxiety of your pup.
Dogs that are well exercised or just downright tired are the best dogs! We say this because they aren’t as bored and will sleep that energy away that they just burned especially small dog breeds! When you leave your dog alone, leave them toys that are safe and can entertain them. Kongs are great for hiding treats and providing hours of entertainment. Leave some bits of dry food around your home too if you have that option. If possible, before you leave take your dog on a long walk. That will help them adjust to your departure because they’ll be exhausted coming home
As you’re getting dressed, your dog likely knows that you’re getting ready to leave. He may already be on edge anticipating it. Try not to make a big deal of you leaving, because it will get your dog even more worked up and excited and eventually sad.
When you leave the home, make it a quick exit. Gently pet your pup and give him kind words like “I’ll be back soon,” and then leave. Make it nonchalant and then get outta there!
When you left the home, it wasn’t a big deal. When you come home, it should the same. As much as you want to hug and scoop up those small dog breeds into your arms, it’s best that you don’t. Because your dog hasn’t seen you for some time, he’s going to be hyper and wanting to jump all over you. Don’t allow it. Be nonchalant but do address your pup. Give it some time, maybe 5 -10 minutes and then shower your pup with love.